Introducing Staghorn Botanicals

Meet the Founder

My name is Emmaline Sprout (Emma) and I’m the founder and owner of Staghorn Botanicals. We are a fairly new service that got its name and start in 2018, when I graduated from college and considered starting a business that utilized my passion and education with plants. I came up with a name and started taking steps toward making the dream a reality while I worked as a greenhouse grower for a local garden center. At the start of 2021, I was given a unique opportunity to take over for a retiring interior plantscaper and I knew it was time to change paths and pursue my dream of running a business full-time.

In the past year, I have been very lucky to take on a handful of accounts, but also to train with other women in the plantscaping industry. My education and background working with plants have helped tremendously and are a solid foundation, but training with women who have collective experience of over 60 years has been really gratifying. I am excited to put everything I have learned into action and continue to grow.

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Fun Fact: Staghorn Botanicals is named after a favorite plant of mine, the Staghorn Fern. These very cool plants are epiphytes, so they don’t need to live in soil, like many other plants. They gather nutrients from rainwater and the humidity in the air, typically growing and supporting themselves on the trunks and branches of trees. They feature long, lobed leaves that resemble the antlers of a stag, hence the name. They also grow what are referred to as shield fronds, which spread at the base of the plant, offering support and protection.

Interested to learn more about what we do? Check out our Services page.


Getting Started with Plant Services Pt. I